Schwinn 130 Upright Exercise Bike

Best Schwinn 130 Upright Exercise Bike On Sale with Free Shipping, Reviews I bought this bike over a month ago and have really enjoyed exercising at house and not worrying about getting to the gym. A couple comments to the bike: The assembly was a 2 individual job for me, but overall it was total in 1.five hrs, Not an enormous fan of the bike seat. It is angled a little too much at a downward angle for me. I'm used to cycle bikes in the fitness center and my road bike and this angle is awkward. Overall I would certainly recommend this bike to buy. It doesn't make any noise and is a great deal for the cash.

I'm extremely pleased with this physical exercise bike. It is smooth and is extremely, extremely quiet. It appears to be extremely nicely produced using substantial, heavy-duty supplies The innards are not visible so I can't attest to them. The only feasible negative I would point out is the fact that the maximum level Might not be tough sufficient someone who makes use of a bike at a high level. I've used a bike for a lot of years, but I've by no means pressed it truly tough. On this bike I can go at the max level albeit at only about 55 rpms. Somebody wanting a much more strenuous workout can up the rpms I suppose.

The 1 main component that doesn't take nicely to rough handling will be the computer/screen that controls all of the bike's secret inner workings and provides the readout. This was totally destroyed by UPS. When I called Nautilus/Schwinn, the consumer service folks were useful, but a replacement computer was delayed nearly a month simply because they didn't have any in stock.

Once the replacement computer came, the bike worked fantastic. Nevertheless, within a week it developed a bunch of unusual noises inside although becoming used, ratcheting and bumping and metal parts clanging. These changed in sound and intensity for about two weeks, and now have turn out to be quiet again. I known as the people at Nautilus/Schwinn and they had no answers, but took note of th matter. Every thing appears to be working fine now.

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